Kia Sorento Launch Page

Kia Sorento Launch For this project I was tasked with designing the landing page for the launch of the new Kia Sorento. It was a fun one as I had the freedom to build in some animations as the user scrolled down the page. Animations that I mocked up in Principle to get sign-off from… Read More

My O2 – Offers

My O2 - Offers This was a great project! We were a team of two bussed into O2 HQ to have a look at what could be done with the offers in My O2, the account section of O2. We worked closely together to work out all the UX, then the UI and finally animated… Read More

Creative Journey Talk Poster

Creative Journey Talk Poster This was an open brief to the design department. We had to design a poster to promote a talk by a number of our top creatives, and we had no time to do it. The client ended up choosing my design because of it's simplicity, and even loved the placeholder illustration I… Read More

Ford Digital Academy

Ford Digital Academy You may not know this, but Ford are very into all things digital. So much so that they put on regular talks around the subject. I was tasked with designing the Digital Academy site as well as a set of video stings and intro videos. It was a great little project as I… Read More