Canon Rebrand Exporation

Canon Rebrand Exploration When Canon went through a rebrand shortly after we started working with them at VCCP, I was tasked with seeing how that new look and feel would apply in the digital sphere. Below are a few examples of the results, which were received very well. These were eventually taken forward and used… Read More

Ellu Promo Video

Ellu Promo Video Ellu is a new startup that produce accessories to help people stay safe. This is a short promo video I animated that explains what their product is and what it does, but in a friendly and non-threatening manner. It was great fun to inject as much character as possible into Mr. e… Read More

Creative Journey Talk Poster

Creative Journey Talk Poster This was an open brief to the design department. We had to design a poster to promote a talk by a number of our top creatives, and we had no time to do it. The client ended up choosing my design because of it's simplicity, and even loved the placeholder illustration I… Read More

Ford Digital Academy

Ford Digital Academy You may not know this, but Ford are very into all things digital. So much so that they put on regular talks around the subject. I was tasked with designing the Digital Academy site as well as a set of video stings and intro videos. It was a great little project as I… Read More

Fat Ninja

FAT NINJA Fat Ninja started out as a challenge I set myself. A challenge to design and build an iPhone app in a month. A challenge I failed spectacularly as I got a bit carried away with animations and gameplay tweaks, as well as having to put it on hold for paid projects. It's been a… Read More

Radox Samba Beats

Radox Samba Beats This was a Facebook game that we built for Radox to promote their new Brazilian themed shower gel. It was very well received and there was a lot of competition from players trying to beat the top score. I was responsible for the design, animation and illustration of the game, although I… Read More